Friday, 12 February 2016

Wool Patchwork Baby Quilt

I'm starting to wonder whether this focus on 'finishing' things is good! I have finished something, and yes that feels good. But, starting random things on the spur of the moment and dipping in and out of makes is fun too! And I seem to be doing less of that recently! Is 'finishing' all it's cracked up to be? Even before I finished typing that question, the answer, for me at least, was already pretty obvious - it's got to be all about finding a happy balance. But possibly to redress my particular balance it is good to have a slightly stronger swing to the other extreme first.

Anyway, enough of my musing. Here is my finish...

This one is made from repurposed wools - blankets, jumpers and a stripey scarf.

It is a smallish, and lovely, warm quilt, backed with a soft, coral coloured flannelette, and with navy, corduroy binding.

I'm pretty sure I finished cutting and then hand sewing all the wool pennies to their squares for this well over a year ago. They've been spilling out of a little box in a cupboard ever since, so definitely a good thing to finally finish them up!

And it means I'm linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts again. Happy Weekend to you all,



  1. Dein quilt sieht richtig kuschelig aus tolle Idee
    Viele Grüße aus Deutschland Karo

  2. Love it! Love everything about it 😀

    Finishing is satisfying but starting is exciting. Some projects need different moods and energy levels. Maybe it depends on the individual personality? I'm more of a starter

    Chris x

  3. This looks like a warm and cuddly quilt; I love the colors and how perfectly the stripes blend the colors together. I agree it has to be about balance, and congratulations on a wonderful finish!

  4. This is beautiful, I love it!

  5. Oh that is so gorgeous- I love the colours and it looks like its wonderfully soft and warm. I think there's always a balance between finishing and work in progress. I tend to be making lots of things at the same time so there's usually something just finished as well as lots of in progress!

  6. I love everything about your baby quilt, Sally. The stripes work so well with the squares and circles.

  7. Ooh, this is so lovely. The colours are beautiful, I can just imagine some chubby baby legs cosy and warm under this quilt X

  8. That is such a pretty little baby quilt/blanket and I just love the colours. Isn't it great to get a finish? But I know what you mean about wanting to start new things too - and why not?

  9. What a wonderfully, colourful, cuddly quilt. I still haven't found that balance between starting new projects and finishing the old. I guess I finally realized I simply enjoy the process so I allow myself to work on what I enjoy most, at that particular time. Unless of course, it's for a gift then I try to get it done in a timely manner.

  10. This quilt is so warm and pretty, Sally. Much better to have it finished than sitting in the cupboard half-done and grumpy.

  11. What a lovely quilt to have - it just looks so cosy.

  12. Oh Sally, that just looks SO cozy! Lucky little one. :-)


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