Thursday 24 October 2013

Homemade Chicken Nuggets

This is going to be a very quick post today, all I'm going to share with you is the recipe for last night's tea. A really easy recipe for homemade chicken nuggets - follow the link to see it! I didn't take any photos I'm afraid, it was an extremely chaotic meal in a very messy kitchen, and as well as that they all got eaten super duper quick, but here's the 'official' photo.


I think mine did in fact look better though! And I made mine from chicken thigh fillets, didn't bother with the tenderizing bit, oven baked them rather than frying them and made them with breadcrumbs (with some salt and pepper) instead of the ritzy crumb. So, in fact they were almost completely different! But the clever, key part of the recipe is the buttermilk, and that I did use. It works brilliantly and is very easy. Try it!

Another recipe I use from the same site is for squid - this one has a really easy and effective 'batter' for frying the squid, if that's your kind of food then it's worth a try too.

That's it for today, short and savoury! Sally.

(Do you want to see the squid photo too? Just in case...)


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