Friday, 29 May 2015

This Moment

Here's a link to Soulemama's last ever moment, and here's mine...

{this moment} - A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Happy Friday, friends!
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  1. Wow! What an incredible shot to finish on! (And also a great candidate for a series of beach jumping silhouette cushions!)

  2. What a capture Sally, just stunning! And I agree with Carie, it definitely has to make it to a pillow cover, or quilt :)

    Hope you are well my friend, and enjoying your weekend. xo

  3. Simply gorgeous! What an incredible capture!

    As this is the last week we'll all gather together I suppose it's fitting that I had two moments to share today. I just couldn't choose as both was so very sweet and both happened on Memorial Day. I hope you all enjoy!

    Have a lovely weekend! xo

  4. Simply gorgeous! What an incredible capture!

    As this is the last week we'll all gather together I suppose it's fitting that I had two moments to share today. I just couldn't choose as both was so very sweet and both happened on Memorial Day. I hope you all enjoy!

    Have a lovely weekend! xo

  5. What a beautiful shot :-) it sums up everything thats perfect about kids and beaches

  6. You've really captured the joy of the moment.

  7. Gorgeous, breath taking shot dear Sally! Wow! <3


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