Thursday, 6 March 2014

Machine Embroidery Brooches

Just another speedy, brooch post before turning in again. Venetia was out in the garden photographing flowers yesterday. Here are a few of her photos:

We have lots and lots of snowdrops,

And primroses too. 

Several daffodil clumps have been in bud for a couple of weeks at least now, it just doesn't seem to be getting quite warm enough yet to tempt them out into full bloom. We keep checking them every day, and so far I've managed to resist the urge to pick some and bring them inside to open up.

The camelias have just come out this week.

She came in full of excitement at all the flowers she'd found, even before Spring had properly arrived, and it set me off making a few, simple, flower inspired brooches today.

This first one, below, is purely machine embroidery; whereas the next two have tiny pieces of fabric for petals, combined with the machine embroidery.

I think a bluebell brooch along the same lines would look lovely too, and perhaps a foxglove...

That's it for today though, back tomorrow with a photo.



  1. That is just lovely...
    On of my goals with quilting is to one day be able to look at something and create it in fabric. I love patchwork quilts because they make me happy, they are filled with love and sentiment. They keep you warm and make you feel loved... But I'm in AWH of people that can do those insane art quilts... All the beautiful thread art. Your embroidering reminds me of that. :-)

  2. Thank you, what a lovely comment! I'd love to feel a bit more confident on the art quilts, you're right, there are some amazing ones out there. Some where you just wonder how on earth they could have created that in fabric and thread. But these little brooches are very simple, and quite addictive I'm finding! Have a go at some machine embroidery on a small scale like this and I'll bet you love it and find it so much more doable than you might have thought.

  3. They are beautiful, love that daffodil. Your prompting me to try something like that ... Madam has announced she wants a Easter Party .... And I refuse to do a hunt that's all chocolate, so mini brooches might be just the thing :-)


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